Kali linux how to install on a asus transformer laptoop
Kali linux how to install on a asus transformer laptoop

kali linux how to install on a asus transformer laptoop

The firmware can be loaded from removable media Some of your hardware needs non-free firmware files to While installing Kali Linux, inbetween I got an error message saying the following. I can connect to any Wi-Fi connections and all Wi-Fi connections were showing.Īnd there is one more thing. And I found out that Wi-Fi drivers were perfectly fine and they were working well. I went into that, and I got Kali desktop. I believed to run live Kali, and I have to go in Kali - Boot Persistent. I went into the option Kali Graphical Install to install Kali Linux. See, while installing Kali Linux this is the menu you get in the beginning: Kali - boot Non Persistent Mode

kali linux how to install on a asus transformer laptoop

I found one more thing, and now I'm totally confused.


Memory at 90700000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) Ĭapabilities: Power Management version 3Ĭapabilities: Vendor Specific Information: Len=78 Ĭapabilities: MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+Ĭapabilities: Express Endpoint, MSI 00Ĭapabilities: Advanced Error ReportingĬapabilities: Device Serial Number 00-00-87-ff-ff-7c-34-23

kali linux how to install on a asus transformer laptoop

Device e071įlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 16 0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802. Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:offĠ7: 00. Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=20 dBm Simply don't install driver and use (and to restore boot.img to run Android) instead of flash.bat. The guide is for windows, but in Ubuntu (and GNU/Linux in general) is more easy. Also, the driver disappears after restarting, and I have to run the commands again and reinstall to get the NIC to show up in iwconfig again. Follow this step by step guide to install Ubuntu on micro sd card of your Transformer and boot it. I downloaded it from, extracted it to ~/Desktop and ran the following commands: $ cd desktopĪfter these commands, my wireless NIC seems to be recognized (see iwconfig output below), but I can't see any available wireless networks. I found this video on Google which suggested I install the compatible wireless driver. Ethernet works fine, and I can connect to wireless networks normally from Windows running on the same machine. I installed Kali Linux on my Sony Vaio laptop (model number SVF142C1WW), but I had no wireless out of the box.

Kali linux how to install on a asus transformer laptoop